Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Abby Santora

February 16, 2011

Mr. Soeth

Period 1

AP English 3

Rehugo Analysis: Government
A. Articles read
a. Nationwide Day for Honoring Charles Darwin, But Handled With Caution
b. Darwin Day, A Day to Recall Idea that Changed Science
B. The articles could not be attached,
In the first article, A Nationwide Day for Honoring Charles Darwin, But Handled with Caution, the author believes that Darwin Day is not the best idea. The author takes a direct quote from Bill Nye saying how if there is a Darwin Day then Einstein should be recognized as well. It is being questioned by many if having a day to recognize the works of Charles Darwin in really necessary or not. People were most against the recognition because it is the Darwinists who are responsible for the arguments against evolution. The people who mainly question it. The author of the text is more about arguing against Darwin not wanting him to have a day dedicated to his work.
In the second article, Darwin Day, A day to recall Idea that Changed Science, the author of this article is implying that Charles Darwin did a lot of work shaping and creating the way humans think today. He implied the theory of "survival of the fittest" which people took to the extreme when talking about evolution. The author of this is more for Darwin's work and talking about how he deserves to be recognized.
D. Evidence
a. "The reason of this holiday is not to recognize the Darwin of yesterday, but to more honor the Darwinists of today." This starts the conversational piece of how this holiday would really be used as. People were do not want it to celebrate Darwin's work, but they want it to celebrate themselves. "Darwin was a man who wrote stories that showed how he could be false." Darwin was a fair man who know he could be proven wrong. But his followers today are more stubborn and think their way is the right and only way and belief. Showing that Darwin Day would not be the best thing for the nation because of these people.
b. "Darwin day, was conceived as a day to promote scientists on the day of Charles Darwin's birth." The original meaning of the day was to celebrate science. To show how far society has come in all these years and a day to recognize the work of not only Charles Darwin, but of other scientists of his time and now. The day is to recognize how much we have discovered in the past 202 years since Charles Darwin died.
E. Rhetorical Strategies
a. Throughout the text of the article the author uses logos, majorly to show the fact in both quotes of what people have said and their actions towards banning Darwin Day. The author uses ethos and shares the opinions of the Darwinist's today and earlier when Charles Darwin was around. They use ethos when they talk about evolution and the different peoples opinions on that and how harsh they are.
b. In this article the author uses logos when they state quotes by evolutionary biologists and other people in favor of Darwin Day. They use pathos and ethos also when they share the opinions about Rual America. Charles Darwin day was in their best interest according to the ethos who care about the evolutionary views of Darwin.
F. Both articles have strong points when talking about Darwin. One of the things they have in common are that they both think of Charles Darwin as a good strong man and scientists who did about for the country and helped shape our views of evolution and biology. The articles disagree on how Darwin should be celebrated. Although they both believe that Darwin should be recognized, they disagree on the how he will be recognized and the people who would recognize him.
G. citation.
my stupid computer wont let me copy and paste the articles or the links
a. Jerry Moore, Darwin Day, A Time to Recall Idea that Changed Science
Wednesday February 17, 2011
b. Amy Harmen, A Natiowide Day for Honoring Charles Darwin, But Handled With Caution
Wednesday February 17, 2011


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