English 3 AP
Mr. Soeth
February 24, 2011
REHUGO Analysis- Visual: Political Cartoon
A. Cartoon Attached-artist: Edgar Argo
B. The societal trend being commented on in the cartoon would be that no matter what children always depend on there parents. In this cartoon a girl is shown standing with her bags in her hand asking her parents for a ride because she is running away. This cartoon shows the dependency children have on there parents.
C. The visual features parents sitting in the family room one is reading a book and the other a newspaper and a girl with her bags packed stating, "I said, I am running away.......Who's going to drive me?" This visual shows a typical family and a girl who is mad at her parents but still depends on them for a ride. Showing that children are so dependent on there parents even when they are mad. The bigger picture shows that in society today children struggle living on there own or starting there lives because they were so dependent on there parents doing everything.
D. In today's society teens are struggling moving out, going to college and starting there lives when they used to just live with there parents and worry about nothing. Especially in today's economy with not many jobs available people still depend on there parents for help. In this article a little girl is shown being mad at her parents and wanting to runaway but she still relies on her parents to help her. No matter how old or young you are we all need our parents and our family at some point in our lives and we always depend on them being there for us.
MLA Citation:
"Cartoon Illustration Blowup." CartoonStock - Cartoon Pictures, Political Cartoons, Animations. Web. 24 Feb. 2011.
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