Shelly Kaur
AP English 3
Mr. Soeth
February 24, 2011
REHUGO 5- Observation
A. Cartoon above
B. In this cartoon, the artist is presenting the trend that the society has started to depend more on technology to socialize. Whereas people used to have oral conversations, now they are interacting through computers and other electronic devices.
C. The cartoon consists of a group of people that are sitting around fire and socializing. They are having a conversation that involves only oral stories. On the other hand, there is a group of people that are sitting around a fire but facing away from each other. This second group is socializing through the use of technology, such as computers, iPad, or any other electronic devices. The headings of "THEN" and "NOW" indicate how the time period has affected how the society interacts with each other. The "THEN" is of the time when the society had no other method of communication than orally. The "NOW" is referring to the current generation that communicates with others through technology only. This visual is effective in the using comparison and contrast. By having a time period in which society had no technology, the artist compares it with the time period now where technology is the basis of everything. The cartoon presents a trend in which the society is based off of interactions through technology. Not many people have straight verbal conversations anymore.
D. With the technology increasing each day, new devices are being introduced. The new technology has the power to do things that could not even have been imagined in the past. Although the advances in technology are making lives easier for everyone, it also has its negative effect. This effect is that people would continue to depend on technology and the usage of it so much that the interactions among each other would drastically decrease. With not many interactions, the society would become a strange term. There would be no meaning left to a society in which everyone interacts. By relying on technology, generations would forget to talk to people outside of the devices. This increase in the social network can lead to the downfall of the interactions within a society.
E. Citation:
"Google Image Result for Http://"Google. Web. 24 Feb. 2011. .
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