Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Aisha Tarin
English 3AP
Mr. Soeth
February 9, 2011

REHUGO Analysis: Universal Truth-quotes

A. Quotes

a. "The only rock I know that stays steady, the only institution I know that works is family." - Lee Iacocca
In this quote the author Lee Iacocca a businessman known for his revival of the Chrysler corporation in 1980. But he also wrote some famous quotes like the one above saying that a family is the only institution he has never seen fail.

b. "Parents can only give good advice or put them on the right paths, but the final forming of a person's character lies in there own hands." - Anne Frank
Anne Frank victim of the holocaust known for her writings in her dairy states this quote showing that parents can only guide you but it is your choice whether you listen or not.

B. Meaning

a. The first quote talks about how institutions and businesses have there ups and downs and sometimes may fail but a family may go through rough times but they will always stay strong as a family. This quote coming from a businessman makes a lot of sense because it is showing that the on steady and strong institution he has seen is family. Families go through hard times but some how find a way to never break its bond. A family is compared to an institution in this quote saying that a family is a group of people working together to get things done in there daily lives, they may have trouble sometimes, but they are always able to work it out.

b. The second quote talks about how parents can tell there children how to live there lives but in the end the decision is in the child's hands. This quote shows that a parent can't influence their child's life they choose not to take there advice. For example a student has the choice of not going to college even though their parents want them to. Your parents life or advice doesn't have to affect or be your life if that's not what you want. Every ones life is in there hands and they can choose whether to listen to or follow someone. Even if parents have been good role models for their children to follow and have given them good advice it doesn't mean their child is going to be a good individual. A person has total control over how they will live their life.

C. Relevance

a. In the economy today businesses have failed and families have been through tough times, but families have never failed to help one another and stayed strong during rough times. Where as institutions have tried to work it out but some didn't make it in the end. Families will always be there for one another no matter what.

b. People today still feel that parents try influencing and taking control of there lives but they don't no that there lives can be controlled by themselves if they want it that way. Parents are sometimes even blamed for raising a child with bad character. But people need to realize that everyone has control of their one lives.

MLA Citation:

a. "Family Quotes, Sayings about Families." The Quote Garden - Quotes, Sayings, Quotations, Verses. Web. 09 Feb. 2011.

b. "Anne Frank Quotes." Find the Famous Quotes You Need, Quotations. Web. 09 Feb. 2011.

1 comment:

  1. A family is compared to an institution in this quote saying that a family is a group of people working together to get things done in there daily lives, they may have trouble sometimes, but they are always able to work it out. - you are correct, now think about how you can make this sentence sound more academic.

    Where as institutions have tried to work it out but some didn't make it in the end. - fragmanet


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